"At first, it seemed to me that I should distance myself a bit from the Marian devotion of my childhood in order to focus more on Christ. Thanks to St. Louis de Montfort, I came to understand that true devotion to the Mother of God is actually Chritocentric; indeed, it is very profoundly rooted in the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, and the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption."~Bl. Pope John Paul II

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mary works miracles!

"Several years ago I was in the hospital, recovering from a procedure following a miscarriage. I remember praying the rosary as I struggled to come out of the anesthesia. I murmured a few Hail Marys, drifted away, prayed a few more and sank back into sleep. By all outward accounts it couldn't have looked like fruitful prayer time. But I remember how powerfully connected to Mary I felt.

I was offering those prayers for my husband, who was still, by his own admission, stubbornly outside the Catholic faith. I asked Mary to pray for me, that I could peacefully accept God's will for the baby we'd just lost, and I offered my suffering for Tom's conversion. My prayers were mumbled and hazy, but the meditation in my heart was clear.

Miraculously, within a couple months, my husband made the decision to be received into the Catholic Church. Mary had gathered my pain and my plea and gently deposited them at the Lord's feet, and he graciously answered my prayers. The Blessed Mother always leads us to her Son."~Karen Edmisten

From The Rosary: Keeping Company with Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten